Friday, March 19, 2010

Something I've learned and I thought maybe it would be wise to share.

Now, I'm hoping I intercepted you on your way to wash your face, because I have some good tips for you that I learned through life.

1. There is a maximum amount of heat that your face can handle before your skin starts to melt off in patches. The hotter the water, the cleaner your face will be is not true. The hotter the water, the less skin your face will have is more accurate.

Also: Your face will not become immune to heat. Not the first, second or third time. Your skin will continue to melt and it's gross and unappealing.

2.If you have a facial cleanser that starts to give you a rash and make your skin itch and burn, it will continue to do so. It is not a one time thing. You will get a rash and be ugly. Ice helps.

3. Do not try to itch off a zit. You get a scab. It's moderately repulsive.

4. Sing to your face. I guess it could be coincidental, but I thought maybe, if I was nice to my skin, and sang it a song, all my blemishes would dissapear. They did. Just something to think about...

5. If you do end up doing 1-3, tell people you got in a fight with a bear. Make it convincing. You will be the coolest person ever and people will look up to your abilities and think you are mysterious.


  1. Sing to my face? Really? but what if she doesn't like the way I sing? :( will I get warts?

  2. Ohh.. I hadn't put that into consideration. I just fill my song with alot of compliments, so maybe it will overlook my lack of tune.

  3. I once itched a pimple really badly and told everyone I'd been in a fight with a tree, but a bear sounds far more exciting! I'll try that next time!

  4. Hopefully there's not a next time though!

  5. Lmao! That was hilarious. This is my first time stopping by your blog... But I like what I see. Consider me your newest follower!

    Oh, and I will definately try singing to my face... When all else fails, right?

  6. I love singing in the shower...
    well it might not be actually singing, more like narrating my actions through tonedef song
    (insert tune here)
    scrubbing my booooodddddyyyyy
    shaaaaampppooooing my hair
    (insert drum solo on wall)

    So basically, I'm thinking that singing to my face is now going to have to enter my routine.
