Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little selection of my fears.

- Dying from an unknown disease
- Dying from cancer
- Dying in a fire
- Dying in general
- That I'm shallow
- That me and my mom will never have a healthy relationship
- Being mugged
- Halloween
- The dark
- Pilgrims
- That I'm infertile
- That there's something wrong with my stomach or something, and they'll find it one day and tell me I'm a freak
- Cowboy and indian movies
- Beavis and Butthead
- The Joker
- Spiders
- Thrift store clothes (I love the idea, and you can find some gorgeous things, but I always feel like I'm catching a disease being near them)
- Lagoons
- Shadows
- Buttons (it's a real fear, koumpounophobia. Google that shit.)


  1. Pilgrims? That one came out of nowhere. I can pretty much get on board with the rest of them. Especially buttons - always been a zip guy.

  2. I have a lot of the same fear and am actually being forced to face some. The other big one for me is when a light outside is starting to burn out and it flickers.

  3. Rob - I think it's just the idea of pilgrims. I'm sure if somehow I met one, we'd get along.

    Kayla - I'm the exact opposite with burning out lights... they make me feel like Dumbledore's approaching.

  4. I tend to agree with you on many of those... especially...

    - That me and my mom will never have a healthy relationship... it is getting better but I always feel it is just on the edge of being crappy again.
    - Being mugged ... or beaten in the head with a blunt object to the point of unconsciousness or death- Eeek!
    - That I'm infertile ... I think about this almost daily, like it is a sick joke or something & we aren't even trying to have a baby yet. I wonder when I became "that girl" that wants a baby because I was really fine with never having kids & being possibly infertile until I married The Husband... hmmmm. I think it happened when I turned 25 & had the "holy S, I'm a quarter century old" realization.
    - That there's something wrong with my stomach or something, and they'll find it one day and tell me I'm a freak... Oh my I couldn't agree with this one more. This past summer I had to have my gallbladder removed & I was like - "HA! I knew there was something wrong!"... but I still felt stupid & to this day can't eat some of the things I want. Now I wonder if there is something more wrong with me... hmmph.
    - Spiders... especially when they are above my head. I don't want to miss smooshing it & have it fall on me! Ewwwww!
    - Thrift store clothes (I love the idea, and you can find some gorgeous things, but I always feel like I'm catching a disease being near them)... agreed, I love thrifting but I always shudder when I see people trying things on in the store, ewwww. I also always bring my hand sanitizer. LOL

    NIce post. I like it :)

  5. Ashley -
    I'm exactly with you on the infertile thing. I'm not even thinking about children right now, but it still freaks me out.
