Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"grow up!" you say. Well stop.

Ever since grade 9, I've acted alot younger than I actually am.
Like, eight or nine years old.
I even had a stage where teachers were unsure whether or not I was special needs.
As in they'd buy me play-do so I'd pay attention in class.
I have a theory.
When I was nine, my parents got divorced.
When I was ten, I became clinically depressed and developped anxiety.
And when I was eleven, my dad started going through a string of health problems, which sent me all over the place, staying with friends, resulting in awful grades in school.
So what I'm getting at is, I think I missed some crucial years from my childhood, and I'm spending the rest of my life trying to get them back.
Which is impossible. Because even though in my head I am a little child, in real life I am a crazy person.

I just thought I would explain a bit why I don't make sense much.


  1. I'm the opposite of you, then. I've had depression and anxiety for as long as I remember (I'd say from age 4, but my psychologists say 6) as well as a host of other conditions and I've always acted far older than I am. It's interesting how similar things can cause opposite reactions in people.

    Also, nice blog :)

  2. Shinxy -
    Life is a fickle thing..

  3. Indeed it is. (Also my 'real' name is Cat too :) )
