Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just saying you don't have to go, but you'd probably be pleasently surprised if you did.

This can only be described as the funniest thing I have read on the world wide web ever. I had to pretend I was vomiting-with-quick-recovery so people around me wouldn't think I was nuts because for some reason it's socially unacceptable to laugh in public which is completely dumb because laughter alledgedly adds years onto your life. There should be laugh inducing things around every corner and everyone would be immortal. Other than being hit by cars and things. Which would probably be more common if people were busy laughing while driving. Oh well, it'll keep us from overpopulation.
Pretend I never started talking.
Her record of what she thought was going on when she started her moon cycle makes alot more sense than mine.
Most of my friends had already started and I thought maybe I would never have to get a period and never have babies and I would adopt children from all over the world. It was kind of like a super power of not bleeding out of my vagina.
But then I woke up one morning and low and behold there was blood.
I started having a panic attack and really hoping that I'd somehow cut my hoo hoo (which would have probably been way worse) and I was freaking out, because it was monday and I had school to get to. So I calmed down a bit, had my shower, but then I couldn't for the life of me figure out pads, so I had an emotional break down and didn't go to school for two weeks, which was exactly how long it lasted. It was the worst time of my life. My super power was gone, and I was now at risk for babies when I grew up.

Anyways, the moral is you should read her post.

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